Would you like exciting opportunities to grow professionally, bring a fresh perspective to national issues, and network with other school nutrition professionals? Consider SNA leadership!

The Call for Nominations for the 2024 Election is open now and continues through September 30, 2023. If you or someone you know would be a great leader at the national level submit a nomination today!

Our diverse, talented leaders are important to enabling SNA to achieve our mission to make sure every student has access to nutritious meals at school. We are seeking members with strong leadership skills, professional achievements, diverse backgrounds, and participation in their state association and/or SNA to lead the association into the future.

If you have any questions, please contact nominations@schoolnutrition.org.

2024 Nominations & Election Process

Open Positions for 2024:

Additional Information:

Committee, Council and Task Force Appointments:

Leadership Opportunities Resources:

Nominations and Election Timeline
ANC – JulyAnnouncement of open positions
AugustCall for Nominations
August/SeptemberVetting of potential candidates
September 30Nominations due
NovemberLeadership Development Committee selection meeting
Following the meetingAnnouncement of election slate
From slate announcement to February 28*Campaign period
February 15-28*Election voting
March 2-3Announcement of election results

*February 29 in leap years