Not All Heroes Wear Capes

Stop by any cafeteria to watch school nutrition professionals prepare healthy meals for students—all the while adhering to strict nutrition standards, navigating student food allergies, and offering service with a smile—and you’ll see they are true heroes!

This is the reason we celebrate School Lunch Hero Day every year on the first Friday in May. This annual observance is a chance to showcase what a difference school nutrition professionals make in the lives of every child who comes through the cafeteria.

SLHD’s Origin Story

School Lunch Hero Day was established in 2013 as a collaborative effort between SNA and Jarrett J. Krosoczka, author of the Lunch Ladies series of graphic novels about a cafeteria professional who also happens to be a crime-fighting spy.

Krosoczka—a New York Times bestselling author and a National Book Award Finalist—started writing the series back in 2009, and he loves the way the books have helped further SNA’s mission. “Through my partnership with the School Nutrition Association, I have received an excellent education on how much goes into getting food on every single student’s tray,” he says.

So, in that spirit, let’s spread the awareness even further—after all, doesn’t your whole community deserve to know how much goes into getting nutritious food on every single student’s tray?

How Do I Celebrate? (And Why Should I?)

Your school absolutely can (and should) celebrate SLHD. It’s a way of recognizing the efforts your team shows every day to provide healthy meals to students—not only preparing food but also serving it with a smile and kind word, encouraging children to try new things and get all the nutrients their growing bodies need.

Need ideas on ways to make SLHD special? Try these ideas…

  • Write to your school district’s leaders and have SLHD made official—get that first Friday in May on the school calendar. Spread the word to every school within your district.
  • Hang signs around the school celebrating the school nutrition staff.
  • Ask teachers to have their classes make cards for the foodservice staff.
  • Surprise your teams by decorating the cafeterias.
  • Give your team a shoutout on social media. Single out each staff member in their own post and share what makes them an integral and important part of the team.

For more celebration ideas, visit Ways to Celebrate SLHD

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