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Contact: Diane Pratt-Heavner


Gay Anderson Installed as 2018-2019 SNA President


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LAS VEGAS, NV (July 12, 2018) — During its 72nd Annual National Conference, the School Nutrition Association (SNA) installed Gay Anderson, SNS, as president for the 2018-2019 school year. Anderson, Child Nutrition Director for Brandon Valley School District in South Dakota, will represent SNA’s 57,000 school nutrition professional members nationwide.

Since 2003, Anderson has overseen Brandon Valley’s school meal programs, serving 4,100 students in seven schools. Anderson is responsible for all aspects of program operations – from writing menus, handling special diet requests and serving as the district’s wellness coordinator, to managing procurement and staff training.

During her tenure, Anderson launched Brandon Valley’s school breakfast program, then to reach even more students with a nutritious morning meal, she implemented a second chance breakfast initiative, increasing participation by more than 175%. Anderson tackled the district’s food waste problem head on, proactively conducting a plate waste study in 2012 and working with staff and teachers to introduce menu changes, promote produce options, and schedule recess prior to lunch when possible. The district continues to monitor plate waste twice a year. Health and wellness is a priority for Anderson – she hosts Fuel Up to Play 60 activities for students and wellness programs for staff.

Anderson is also credited with strengthening her program’s bottom line and lowering costs by instituting Net Off Invoice transactions for commodity processing, creating a prime vendor program and spearheading South Dakota’s first buying group. By consolidating purchasing power, the coalition has saved Brandon Valley 23 cents per student, per meal without decreasing quality. Anderson is eager to share this expertise with her peers and has hosted seminars and peer-to-peer learning sessions to help fellow school nutrition professionals address budgetary, operational and staffing challenges in their own districts.

Anderson has served SNA national in several capacities and was South Dakota SNA President from 2008-2009. A former SNA Education Committee Chair, Anderson embodies the value of lifelong learning. She earned her BA in business management from the University of Sioux Falls in just over two and a half years while working full time and serving on SNA’s Board of Directors. She is currently working toward her MBA. Anderson also has experience in healthcare foodservice and restaurant management. 

About the School Nutrition Association:
The School Nutrition Association (SNA) is a national, non-profit professional organization representing more than 57,000 school nutrition professionals across the country. Founded in 1946, SNA and its members are dedicated to making healthy school meals and nutrition education available to all students. For more information about ANC, visit

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