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The hallmark of a research journal is that submissions undergo a peer-review process. This peer review process helps ensure that manuscripts are of high quality, and that the results of the research are useful and relevant to practitioners and others engaged with child nutrition programs. This critical review process is very time consuming. A sincere “thank you” is extended the professionals listed below who reviewed manuscripts for The Journal of Child Nutrition & Management in the past year.

These 44 reviewers are to be commended for their contributions to the Journal of Child Nutrition and Management. Reviewers who provided feedback on articles submitted to the Journal as part of the 2018 issues are listed in alphabetical order. There are several who provided multiple reviews; this is designated with number in parentheses. Thank you to these Reviewers! Those interested in joining the Review Team are invited to contact the Journal Editor.


Sarah Amin Susan Arendt (2)

Julie Boettger (2)

Priscilla Connors Sandra Curwood

Linnette Dodson Becky Domosko Bays

Alisha R Farris Sandra Fiegen

Beverly Girard Mary Gregoire Lynnell Grumbles

Maria Hall (2) Angela Haney Lynn Harvey

Jill Kidd Janice King Jun Hee Kwon

Alicia Landry Rebecca Larson Kiwon Lee Jessica Linnell

Whitney Linsenmeyer, Ruth Litchfield

Carol Longley -2

Beth Egan Mincemover Paola Paez

Emily Patten

Kevin Sauer Carrie Schiedel Julie Schumacher Stephanie Smith Jeannie Sneed Nathan Stokes

Catherine Strohbehn Joel Sullivan

Alice Jo Rainville (2) Lakshmann Rajagopal Beth Rice

Kevin Roberts

Marjuva Lartey-Rowser Desiree Tande

Beth Wallace (2)

Victor Yu Bethany Yon (2)